May 20, 2020 Philadelphia Museum of Art, SNAG Conference (Society of North American Goldsmiths). presented by Director Richard Kane, Executive Producer Eleanor Moty, and Gallerist Helen Drutt. Cancelled. Reschedule TBA 2021
May 30, 2019 2pm and 6pm, Thursday, PORTLAND MUSEUM OF ART, presented by director Richard Kane, as part of the exhibit In the Vanguard: Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, 1950-1969
July 18, 2019 7-8:30pm HAYSTACK MOUNTAIN SCHOOL OF CRAFTS, presented by Director Richard Kane, Executive Producer Patricia Wheeler, and Co-Producer Melody Lewis-Kane
Panel discussion at the Museum of Arts and Design on March 29, 2018 in New York. Left to Right: Barbara Gifford, MAD asst. curator; Glenn Adamson, former director; Richard Kane, film director; Helen Drutt, curatorial consultant/educator; Paul Smith, former director, Museum of Contemporary Crafts.
March 5, 2019 7-9pm — JAMES RENWICK ALLIANCE with Co-Sponsors Montgomery College and the Washington Guild of Goldsmiths, presented by Director Richard Kane and Co-Producer Melody Lewis-Kane at the Robert E. Parilla Performing Arts Center at Montgomery College Rockville Campus, 51 Mannakee St, Rockville, MD 20850
January 19 and 20, 2019 7:30-8:30pm EASTERN CAROLINA UNIVERSITY MATERIAL TOPICS SYMPOSIUM, Eastern Carolina University, Greenville, NC, Hendrix Theater.
January 24, 2019 6pm reception, 7pm screening (snow date: January 31) - NORTH BENNET STREET SCHOOL, 150 North St, Boston, MA
Friday, September 21 at 5:15pm - CLEVELAND INSTITUTE OF ART ThinkCraft Symposium, Peter B. Lewis Auditorium
Monday, September 24 at 4:30pm - ARCADIA UNIVERSITY, Department of Art + Design, The Great Room, 450 S. Easton Road, Glenside, PA 19038
Monday, November 5 at 6pm - UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - WHITEWATER College of Arts and Communication, Greenhill Center of the Arts, Room 30, 950 W. Main Street, Whitewater, WI
November 14 at 5:15pm - THE AMERICAN CRAFT COUNCIL FALL LIBRARY SALON SERIES, Minneapolis, MN. Screening and Q+A with director, Richard Kane.
November 15 10-12pm — NEW YORK CITY JEWELRY WEEK hosted at PUBLICOLOR, 20 West 36th Street, 9th Floor, New York, NY, films courtesy curator/educator Helen Drutt; also screening are two additional films: Ron Ho, Becoming Chinese- A Jeweler's Tale; and Marjorie Schick: Celebrating a Life in Art as part of the New York City Jewelry Week. Free
Friday, July 13 - HAYSTACK ANNUAL GALA, Deer Isle, ME. Screening film trailer. Contact Haystack for tickets (207) 348-2306 SOLD OUT
Friday, July 20 at 7:30pm - STONINGTON OPERA HOUSE, Stonington, ME. Q&A with Richard Kane, Rob Shetterly and Pat Wheeler to follow.
Saturday, July 21 - at 3:30pm - COLORADO METALSMITHING ASSOCIATION, Steamplant at 220 West Sackett Avenue in Salida
July 31 at 7:00pm - SCHOODIC ARTS FOR ALL, Winter Harbor, ME. Q&A with Richard Kane and Sarah Doremus to follow.
Thursday, April 26 - METAL MUSEUM, Memphis, TN. Screening and Q&A for members only.
Thursday, May 3 at 7:00pm - JAMESTOWN ARTS CENTER, Jamestown, RI. Film Screening. Admission $10.
Thursday, May 24 at 12:45pm - SOCIETY OF NORTH AMERICAN GOLDSMITHS (SNAG) Annual Conference, Portland, OR. West Coast Premiere with an introduction by Haystack’s Executive Director, Paul Sacaridiz.
Saturday, June 23 at 4pm - CRAFT IN AMERICA CENTER, Los Angeles, CA. Screening and Q&A with Tibbie Dunbar, architect and former director of the A+D Museum, Sponsored by Lois Boardman.
Thursday, March 29 at 6:30pm - MUSEUM OF ARTS AND DESIGN (MAD), New York, NY. Screening and panel featuring former MAD director, Glenn Adamson, curator and educator Helen Drutt, film director Richard Kane, and former director of the Museum of Contemporary Crafts Paul Smith. The panel will be moderated by MAD curator Barbara Gifford. $15 general / $10 members and students.
Friday, April 6 - SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY, Syracuse, NY. Sponsored by the School of Art.
Saturday, April 7 at 1:00pm - CRANBROOK ART MUSEUM, Bloomfield, MI. Film Screening at Cranbrook's deSalle Auditorium. Iris Eichenberg, Artist in Residence and Head of the Metalsmithing Department at Cranbrook Academy of Art will welcome viewers before the film. Hosted by Cranbrook Art Museum in conjunction with the Metals Department.
Wednesday, April 18 at 7:30pm - MASSACHUSETTS COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN, (Design and Media Center) Boston, MA. Screening and Q+A with director Richard Kane, film subject Claire Sanford, Susan H. Hamlet, Alan Burton Thompson and Heather White. Free and open to the public.
Saturday, March 24 at 3:00pm - FRONTIER CAFE, Brunswick, ME. Double feature including "J. Fred Woell: An American Vision" and "I Know a Man...Ashley Bryan" with director Richard Kane. Buy your tickets HERE. Admission $10.
Sunday, September 17 - CAMDEN INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL (CIFF) at Rockport Opera House. Rockport, ME (US Premiere) Screening and Q + A with Richard Kane.
Thursday, September 21 - STONINGTON OPERA HOUSE, Stonington, ME. Screening and Q + A with Richard Kane and Robert Shetterly.