CREATIVITY: Clay, Color, and Word – an M.C. Richards Workshop
“This articulately perceptive film brings her close again, makes clear with all her unaggressive power that art is a gate, not a product, wisdom a source, not a judgment.
M.C. Richards: The Fire Within produced by Richard Kane and potter/filmmaker Melody Lewis-Kane is an adventure into discovering the source of our own creativity told through the life of Mary Caroline Richards (1916-1999).
In addition to her most famous underground classic Centering: In Pottery, Poetry and the Person, and Toward Wholeness: Rudolf Steiner Education in America, M.C. was a pivotal figure at the famously experimental Black Mountain College serving as head of faculty (1949-51) with those who later became avant garde luminaries in the New York art scene — Robert Rauschenberg, Elaine and Willem deKooning, Jacob Lawrence, Arthur Penn, Robert Motherwell, Merce Cunningham and John Cage among others.
Read Jeffrey Beam’s full review: http://www.oysterboyreview.org/issue/20/essays/BeamJ-05-Richards_Kane.html
This 60- minute documentary is distributed by Kane-Lewis Productions.
“An inspiring film about a brilliant teacher and artist.
“Richards seems to radiate life. Her indomitable
spirit … is at the core of the film.
CREATIVITY Clay, Color, and Word – an M.C. Richards Workshop
A 70-minute virtually uncut documentation of M.C. Richards' most celebrated workshop. Pure M.C. – totally inspiring.
“Pure M.C. – totally inspiring. ”
Sponsored by: Black Mountain College Museum & Arts Center and Chester Springs Studio.
With support from: the Humanities-and-the-Arts initiative, administered by the Pennsylvania Humanities Council and funded principally by the Pennsylvania Arts Council; the North Carolina Humanities Council; the New York Council for the Humanities; the Rudolf Steiner Foundation; the Rudolf Steiner Institute; the Foundation for Contemporary Performance Arts, Inc. and many individuals.